Upcoming Events
Harvest Lunch: Thursday is our special Harvest Lunch. We will have a special turkey dinner with local vegetables served by Chartwells’ chef, Steve Dafonseca. There will be no lunch number 2 available tomorrow due to the special lunch. Lunch option 3 will still be available. Information about the Harvest Lunch may be found here.
Picture Retakes: Any students who were not at school on our original picture day will have their pictures taken on December 2, 2019, first thing in the morning. Anyone who would like to have their child’s picture retaken will have it done on this day as well. You will need to send in your child’s original picture package in order to have a retake. You may contact Mrs. Fallgren at fallgrena@barringtonschools.org with any questions. Information from Coffee Pond about picture retakes may be found here.
No School: Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, there is no school on November 28 and 29, 2019.
Parent Teacher Conferences: The end of the first trimester is coming up and we schedule parent teacher conferences. This year, they are scheduled for December 9, 2019. Your child’s teacher will be reaching out to you so that you may sign up for a conference. Most teachers are not able to meet with all parents on this day; therefore, some conferences will take place on other days. There is no school for children on December 9, 2019. During your scheduled conference on December 9, the PTO will have childcare available from 8:00-3:00.
Town Meeting: Our next Town Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 26 at 1:40. Mrs. Fagan’s class is the Class of the Week.
Providence Bruins: Save the date for Sowams’ night at the P-Bruins. The date is January 5, 2020. Information may be found here.
Other Bits of Information
Book Fair: Thank you Tinsley Kampmier-Williamson for her hard work in making sure the Book Fair was successful. Thank you to the volunteers who assisted and the families for purchasing so many books. Our school benefits when you purchase books as we then receive Scholastic dollars to purchase books for our classrooms and library and to support curriculum.
Parent Visits: Last week, parents were invited into our classrooms. We had 219 parents visit us. Thank you to all who were able to attend.
Morning Drop Off: Thank you to everyone for following my directions during the drop off each morning. Please make sure you pull up as far as you can so we can get as many cars as possible in the school’s driveway. Also, please remember that parents/grandparents should not be getting out of the vehicle to assist your child. This holds up the flow of traffic.
School Start Time: School begins at 7:55 each day. Students need to be in the building by this time. I strongly suggest you aim to have your child in the building by 7:50 so they can participate in the morning community meeting in the cafeteria.