Octoberfest Update
For those counting, we are now 32 days away from Octoberfest 2019! We are in full swing for planning and want to continue to thank everyone donating your time and energies. It's a lot of work but former school, teachers and kids so it's all worth it.
This is the LAST week for sponsorships. If you or your business would like to sponsor, or if you have a relationship with a company you believe would sponsor, please confirm with us by Saturday and send the logo. We can continue to collect Silent Auction items up until the day before the event but sponsorships close this weekend. This is a HUGE part of our support so please consider helping.
For our techy friends, we need you! We need someone to update but our websites and social media pages. Please consider loaning us your talents and remember...you can do this at home!!!
You can reach Shannon Sullivan or Jessica Liberatos at sowamsoctoberfest@gmail.com.
Upcoming Events
Open House: Open House is scheduled for next Tuesday, September 24, 2019. Kindergarten and first grade parents are invited from 7:15 pm -8:15 pm. Parents of students in grades two and three attend from 6:00 pm -7:00 pm. This is a night for parents. Children should not come to the Open House. Information may be found here.
Chess: The PTO offers a before school chess program. Registration is now open. Registration information may be found here.
PTO/Arts Alive Play: Registration for our annual play is happening soon. Students in grades one, two, and three are able to participate in the play. Students will find out what play is being performed this year on September 24, 2019. Registration will take place from October 8 - October 22. Information about auditions (all who sign up are able to participate) and rehearsals may be found here.
Farm Fresh Stand: Our school-wide garden has some vegetables that have been harvested. In front of the school at dismissal, you are able to purchase these veggies. Make sure you check out what’s available. Money raised through the sale of these vegetables go back into the garden program.
Other Bits of Information
Website: Back in July, Superintendent Michael Messore sent out information about the district and school’s new website. I thought it was important to once again share that email with you as our website (district and school) have a lot of information on it. There is also an app that you can put on your phone. Information about this may be found here.
Nurse Update: Mrs. Flores, our school nurse teacher, has an update for you. You may find the update here. This Friday, we will have vision screening for our students. This is being done by the local Lions Club. If your child wears glasses, please make sure your child has them on this day.
Bus Transportation: There have been changes made to our bus transportation this year. For example, Sowams now has three buses compared with two last year. Another change has to do with what stops children can get on and off the bus. Bus eligible students are assigned to specific stops and can only get on and off their assigned bus at that stop. To make sure parents are aware of the bus changes, there is a transportation handbook. You may access this handbook and other transportation documents here.
Library Volunteers: Volunteers are still needed for some library classes. The times available include Mondays from 9:25-10:10; Tuesdays from 8:40-9:25; Wednesdays from 9:25-10:10; Thursdays from 12:45-1:30. If you have a background check and are interested in any of these days, please contact Bronwyn Ellis at ellisbronwyn@gmail.com.
Sowams Speedway Volunteers: Speedway is our mileage club which happens during recess. Volunteers are needed for Mondays during either the kindergarten and grade one recess (11:40-12:00) and grades two and three recess (12:05-12:25). If you have a background check and are interested in volunteering for Speedway, please contact Jordyn Hagar at jh1282@gmail.com. Information about Speedway can be found here.
PTO Directory Part 1: The PTO is using a new platform called PTOffice this year for the school’s directory. It’s not too late to sign up to be a part of this. The directory allows those who sign up for it to get contact information for other’s in our school. Also, PTOffice will be used for different activity sign-ups for programs sponsored by the PTO. Information on how to sign up may be found here.
PTO Directory Part 2: If you have already registered for PTOffice, there is a free app available on the App Store that greatly improves ease of use and accessibility. You can find it by searching the App Store for PTOffice. Please e-mail Kristin Brown at brownkristin33@gmail.com with any questions.
Visitors: Regardless of the time you visit our school, please make sure you report to the office in order to sign in and get a visitor’s badge. This includes before and after school.
Community Notices: The Barrington High School After Prom Committee is starting to think about prom season with an Eagles Tumbler sale. Information about this may be found here. The other notice is from Barrington Youth Basketball: Barrington Youth Basketball will be holding tryouts for travel basketball for grades 3-8 beginning this Saturday and next week for the winter season. BYBA supports teaching leadership and basketball skills through fun, teaching, and healthy competition. Players in the 3rd-5th grades play with modified rules designed to enhance the learning of the game and players can expect lots of practice and even playing time. And we’ll field as many teams as we have players and coaches. If you like to learn more, please visit our website for more information at: www.bybahoops.com or reach out to mike@bybahoops.com.