Backpack Express

Good morning,

This week’s Backpack Express is ready for you.  There is some good information for you.

  • No School:  There is no school on Monday, March 13, 2023, for students.  This is a professional development day for our teachers.

  • Help at Home website:  Our teachers have created a website on our Sowams School site with suggestions on things you can do at home with your child.  You may access this site here.  

  • Family Fun Activities:  There are two upcoming family activities sponsored by the Sowams PTO.  The first is a bowling adventure March 19 at 12:00 in the afternoon and the second is a Boston Red Sox game in April.  Click the links for information on how to sign up for each activity.

  • PTO Website:  Our Sowams PTO has a website with all of their information on it.  You may access it here.  Information includes PTO meeting minutes, calendar of events, forms for reimbursement, and a lot of other information.

  • PTO Calendar:  The PTO has updated the March calendar.  You may access it here.  

  • From Nayatt School:  April 1, 2023, is the Nayatt 5K.  This is a fun family event.  Information on this event may be found here.  

  • From Barrington Middle School:  The Robotics Club is sponsoring a movie night on March 17, 2023.  Information about this may be found here.

  • Community Notice:  The Barrington Public Library has a virtual book club.  Information about this may be found here.  

Have a wonderful day.


Jim Callahan
